Payments to the City of Kreuzlingen

One of the following accounts is to be used for payments. A reason for payment must be noted in each case (invoice number, registration number, etc.).

All account details listed are to the following address

Finanzabteilung der
Stadt Kreuzlingen
Hauptstrasse 90
CH-8280 Kreuzlingen

Transfers in CHF

Thurgauer KantonalbankKBTG CH2282PCH02 0078 4162 0002 5000 8
PostfinancePOFICHBEXXXCH44 0900 0000 8500 0317 6

Transfers in EUR from abroad

UBS Deutschland AG
Bockenheimer Landstr. 2-4
D-60306 Frankfurt am Main
SMHBDEFFXXXDE04 5022 0085 2550 3010 13

E-banking with orange payment slips (ESR, ESR+)

If you make your transfers via e-banking, you must enter the exact reference number. This number changes from invoice to invoice and must therefore not be used for future transfers or transfers for other purposes. For current payment slips, please contact the City Cashier's Office.